Nursery Greenhouse

Premium Quality Water Soluble:
- Cal-Mag Formulas
- Custom Formulas
- Hydrophonic Formulas
- Over 129 Formulas
- Turf Formulas
100% Natural Organic Fertilizers:
- Approved for Organic Agriculture
Liquid Fertilizers:
- Custom Blends
- Bulk Delivery
Rooting Hormone:
- Rapid Root Indole 3-Butyric Acid
- 1 lb. Roots up to 30,000 Cuttings
- Recommended for easy to start plants I.e. begonias, geraniums, roses; also semi-hard wood arbor vitae
Wetting Agents:
E-Z Wet Soil Penetrant 15-G
- Granular for incorporating into planting media or broadcast applications
- 15.0% Active Ingredient
E-Z Wet Soil Penetrant 26.0%
- Economical Active Liquid
- Recommended for difficult to re-wet planting media
- Non-alcohol
E-Z Wet Soil Penetrant 80.0%
- Highly concentrated for constant or intermittent injector feeding systems
- Reduces water use, runoff, puddling & ponding
EDTA-Spray Dried Powder:
- 12.0% Manganese
- 14.0% Copper
- 6.0% Iron EDDHA
- 13.0% Iron
- 14.0% Zinc
- 9.0% Calcium
EDTA Liquid
- 2.25% Magnesium
- 5.0% Manganese
- 4.5% Iron HEDTA
- 5.0% Copper
- 3.0% Calcium
- 6.0% Zinc
Metal Nitrate Solutions:
Compatible with Calcium Nitrate in tank mixes with no precipitates.
- Magnesium Nitrate Solution: 7.2% Nitrate Nitrogen, 6.5% Metal
- Manganese Nitrate Solution: 6.0% Nitrate Nitrogen, 12.0% Metal
- Zinc Nitrate Solution: 7.0% Nitrate Nitrogen, 17.0% Metal
- Iron Nitrate Solution: 7.1% Nitrate Nitrogen, 9.5% Metal
Citric Acid Chelates:
Non-Burning / Amine Compatible / Fast Greening effect:
- 5.0% Iron
- 10.0% Zinc
- 25.0% Potassium
- 5.0% Copper
- 5.0% Manganese
Salt Breakthru:
Fast acting liquid concentrate, designed for injector systems. Effectively controls bicarbonate, acidifies alkaline soil and water. Also leaches sodium from soil. Use 4 ozs. per 1,000 gals of water.
21.70% actives, greenhouse disinfectant for tools, containers. Kills viruses, algae, fungus, bacteria and mildew. Biodegradable.
Laboratory Testing:
Special Products:
Bio-Cozyme W.C.C. (Powder):
10% Iron EDTA Chelate with biostimulant package of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes plus 5 bacteria inoculants. Apply 1 oz. per 1,000 sq, ft.
Bio-Cozym 2-2-2 (Liquid):
Natural organic biostimulant help plants produce more of their own growth, promoting compounds resulting in improved yield and quality.
Fertaplex 8-0-0:
Economical, fast acting foliar spray that contains iron, magnesium, sulfur, manganese and low biuret urea. Use 2 ozs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
Provides a soluble source of organic matter that act as a substrate for beneficial soil microbes. Humic Acid temporarily increases the cationic exchange capacity of the soil.
Supplies 9 secondary and micro plant 'nutrients for pre-plant incorporation into soil-less media. Use 1 to 1.5 Lbs. per cubic foot of soil.
PHOS Pro - System Fungicide:
For control of Pythium, Phytophthora, Botrytis, Alternaria, Peronospora (downy mildew), Erwina (fire blight), and Xanthomonas (bacterial blight).
Rootplex - Iron:
Liquified seaweed extract with iron, humic acid, natural growth hormones and amino acids. Provides noticeable root mass growth. Dilute 1 to 100 for use.
A superlative choice for foliar sprays. Contains over 60 nutrients, N-P-K, secondary, micronutrients, amino acids and natural occuring growth hormones.
Soluble silicon for foliar application or injector systems. Silicon incorporates in outer plants' tissues and plays both a preventive and curative role in plant fungal infactions. Effective at dilution as low as 1 :750.
Soluble Micro-Mix:
Water soluble - provides 7 micronutrients for foliar spray or injector tank. For constant or intermittent feeding, use 4 to 10 ozs. per 100 gallons of injector tank.
Spreader N-90:
California EPA approved spray adjuvant for fungicides, pesticides or herbicides. Economical 90% actives concentrate.
Super Tracer Dye:
- Blue, Red or Green
- Spray Pattern Indicators